Memory Forensics – Answers

Part 1: Forensic memory analysis using Volatility 3  Activity 1: Identifying OS Information Dump analysis helps determine the OS profile. It is important to know the information about the operating system that was in use prior to the investigation. The command “-f” is used to specify the file and also specify the plugin required, in […]

Memory Forensics

Introduction to Memory Forensics Memory Forensics is the analysis of memory files acquired from digital devices. The primary purpose of Memory Forensics is to acquire useful information from the RAM that aids in the preparation of forensically sound evidence. Learning Outcome  You will be able to utilize built-in Volatility 3 plugins for memory analysis tasks. […]

Mobile Forensics – Answers

Part 1: Android Forensics Analysis using ALEAPP  1. Copy the folder “Mobile Forensics” into the virtual machine desktop. 2. Unzip the “Android Logical Image” folder. 3. Create a new folder called “Android”. This folder will be selected as the output folder to store the parsed files. 4. Open the kali linux terminal and navigate to […]

Mobile Forensics

Introduction to Mobile Forensics Mobile forensics is the process of recovering digital evidence from mobile devices using accepted methods. Unlike traditional digital forensics processes, mobile forensics solely focuses on retrieving information from mobile devices such as smartphones, androids, and tablets.  Learning Outcome You will be able to create a new case on ALEAPP and iLEAPP […]

Network Forensics – Answers

Introduction to Network Forensics? Network forensics is a sub-branch of digital forensics relating to the monitoring and analysis of computer network traffic for the purposes of information gathering, legal evidence, or intrusion detection.  Learning Outcome  You will be able to upload and analyse pcap file using wireshark. You will be able to explain filtering techniques […]

Network Forensics

Introduction to Network Forensics? Network forensics is a sub-branch of digital forensics relating to the monitoring and analysis of computer network traffic for the purposes of information gathering, legal evidence, or intrusion detection.  Learning Outcome  You will be able to upload and analyse pcap file using wireshark. You will be able to explain filtering techniques […]

Cryptography – Answers

Section 1: Caesar Cypher This first section will cover the Caesar cypher, an ancient cypher used by Roman armies around 100 BC. The Romans created the Caesar Cypher, but the name originated from the emperor of the Roman Empire at the time, Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar utilised this secret encryption for communicating with commanders on […]


This document  goes over the significance of cyphers and their usage in history. Alongside this we will learn how to use cyberchef to crack these puzzling cyphers and develop an understanding of how and why they are used both historically and in the modern times. Introduction Cryptography is an ancient art used mainly in military […]